In a groundbreaking initiative, the Foundation for Science Innovation and Development (FSID) within the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) has launched the Centre of Data for Public Good (CDPG). This pioneering center aims to harness the power of data science, analytics, and policy to tackle pressing societal issues and promote the well-being of the public. With a focus on ethical data use, privacy, and responsible AI, the CDPG will bring together experts from academia, industry, and government to collaborate on innovative solutions. Join us as we delve into the significance of this launch and explore how the CDPG is set to revolutionize the field of data science for the betterment of society.
Leveraging Data for Social Good: Launch of Centre of Data for Public Good
Discover how the Centre of Data for Public Good aims to leverage data science, analytics, and policy to address critical societal challenges and promote the well-being of the public.
With the launch of the Centre of Data for Public Good (CDPG), the Foundation for Science Innovation and Development (FSID) within the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) is embarking on a groundbreaking mission to harness the power of data for social good. The CDPG is dedicated to advancing research, innovation, collaboration, and best practices in the realm of data science, analytics, and policy to tackle pressing societal challenges.
By bringing together experts from academia, industry, and government, the CDPG aims to create a collaborative environment that fosters the development of data-centric solutions. The center's focus on ethical data use, privacy, and responsible AI ensures that the solutions developed will positively impact areas such as smart cities, agriculture, logistics, and environmental sustainability.
Multidisciplinary Research Hub: Advancing Data Science for Societal Benefit
Explore how the Centre of Data for Public Good serves as a hub for multidisciplinary research, bringing together experts from academia, industry, and government to harness the power of data for the benefit of the public.
The Centre of Data for Public Good (CDPG) serves as a hub for multidisciplinary research, facilitating collaboration between experts from academia, industry, and government. This collaborative approach ensures that diverse perspectives and expertise are brought together to tackle complex societal challenges using data science.
Through the CDPG, researchers can leverage the expertise and resources of pioneering projects such as the India Urban Data Exchange (IUDX) and the Agricultural Data Exchange (ADeX). These projects, with their focus on urban and agricultural sectors, align seamlessly with the center's mission and contribute to the development and implementation of data-centric solutions.
Ethical Data Use and Responsible AI: A Focus on Privacy and Impact
Learn how the Centre of Data for Public Good prioritizes ethical data use, privacy, and responsible AI to ensure positive impact and address societal challenges.
The Centre of Data for Public Good (CDPG) places a strong emphasis on ethical data use, privacy, and responsible AI. By prioritizing these aspects, the center aims to develop solutions that have a positive impact on society while safeguarding individual privacy and ensuring fairness in AI algorithms.
With a focus on areas such as smart cities, agriculture, logistics, and environmental sustainability, the CDPG aims to address critical societal challenges while upholding ethical standards. By leveraging data in a responsible and transparent manner, the center aims to foster trust and ensure that the benefits of data science are accessible to all.
Collaboration and Innovation: Accelerating Data-Centric Solutions
Discover how the Centre of Data for Public Good fosters collaboration and innovation by leveraging the expertise and resources of pioneering projects.
The Centre of Data for Public Good (CDPG) emphasizes collaboration and innovation as key drivers in advancing data-centric solutions. By incorporating learnings from pioneering projects such as the India Urban Data Exchange (IUDX) and the Agricultural Data Exchange (ADeX), the CDPG creates a collaborative environment that accelerates the development and implementation of data-centric solutions.
By bringing together experts from academia, industry, and government, the CDPG aims to harness the power of data to address real-world issues. This collaborative approach ensures that the solutions developed are practical, impactful, and aligned with the needs of society.
Symposium on Data for Public Good: A Platform for Thought Leaders
Explore the Symposium on Data for Public Good, a flagship event that brings together thought leaders, researchers, and practitioners in the field.
To mark the launch of the Centre of Data for Public Good, the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) hosted the Symposium on Data for Public Good. This flagship event brought together thought leaders, researchers, and practitioners in the field of data science.
The Symposium featured distinguished speakers who shared insights on leveraging data for social good, digital public infrastructure, and the significance of ethical data use. Panel discussions on urban data, data governance, and agricultural and geospatial data provided a platform for in-depth discussions and knowledge sharing.
Hackathon for Data-Driven Solutions: Solving Real-World Challenges
Learn about the hackathon organized by the Centre of Data for Public Good, focusing on transportation demand prediction and air quality prediction.
As part of its commitment to driving data-centric solutions, the Centre of Data for Public Good organized a hackathon focused on solving real-world challenges. The hackathon addressed a transportation demand prediction problem for specific bus routes in Surat and an air quality prediction problem for certain road segments of Bengaluru.
The hackathon provided a platform for data enthusiasts, researchers, and industry professionals to come together and develop innovative solutions using data science and analytics. By harnessing the power of data, the hackathon aimed to tackle pressing challenges and make a positive impact on the lives of people.