In a shocking turn of events, Brian Lingard, a volunteer adult mentor for the Shrewsbury High School Robotics program, has been arrested on charges of possessing and transporting child pornography. This arrest has sent shockwaves through the community and raised concerns about the safety of students. Let's delve into the disturbing details of this case and explore the impact it has had on the Shrewsbury community.
Arrest and Charges
Learn about the arrest of Brian Lingard and the charges he is facing.
In a shocking development, Brian Lingard, a volunteer adult mentor for the Shrewsbury High School Robotics program, has been arrested on charges of possessing and transporting child pornography. The U.S. Attorney's Office announced his arrest, revealing the disturbing details of the case.
According to the press release, Lingard's phone contained 23 images depicting child sexual abuse material, and a subsequent search of his residence uncovered even more alleged sexual abuse material. The charges against Lingard carry severe penalties, including up to 20 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.
Disturbing Allegations
Uncover the deeply disturbing allegations surrounding Brian Lingard's actions.
The allegations against Lingard go beyond possessing and transporting child pornography. It has been reported that he also possessed multiple images of fully clothed females who appear to be minors. These images were focused on their buttocks and seemed to be taken in a school setting.
Agents with the Department of Homeland Security determined through geolocation data that some of these photos were taken at Shrewsbury High School between 2018 and 2023. While these images are not considered child pornography and are not part of the criminal charges, they are deeply disturbing and raise concerns about the safety of students.
Impact on the Community
Explore the impact that Brian Lingard's arrest has had on the Shrewsbury community.
The arrest of Lingard has sent shockwaves through the Shrewsbury community, leaving parents, students, and faculty members deeply concerned. Shrewsbury High School Principal Todd Bazydlo addressed the situation in an email to high school families, expressing his shock and concern over the allegations.
The community is grappling with the realization that someone they trusted with mentoring students in the robotics program could be involved in such disturbing activities. This incident has highlighted the importance of thorough background checks and vigilance in ensuring the safety of students.
Support and Resources
Discover the available support and resources for those affected by this incident.
If you or someone you know has been affected by this incident or has any information related to the case, it is important to reach out for support. The U.S. Attorney's Office Project Safe Childhood hotline at (617) 748-3274 provides access to victim witness advocates who can offer guidance and assistance.
Additionally, Shrewsbury High School Principal Todd Bazydlo has encouraged anyone with questions or information to contact his office at (508) 841-8800. It is crucial to come together as a community to support those affected and ensure the safety and well-being of all students.
The arrest of Brian Lingard, a volunteer adult mentor for the Shrewsbury High School Robotics program, on charges of possessing and transporting child pornography has sent shockwaves through the community. The disturbing allegations surrounding Lingard's actions have raised concerns about the safety of students and highlighted the importance of thorough background checks. It is crucial for the community to come together, support those affected, and ensure the well-being of all students.
What are the charges against Brian Lingard?
Brian Lingard is facing charges of possessing and transporting child pornography.
What additional disturbing allegations have been made against Lingard?
Lingard is alleged to have possessed multiple images of fully clothed females who appear to be minors, with a focus on their buttocks. Some of these images were taken at Shrewsbury High School.
How has this incident impacted the Shrewsbury community?
The arrest of Lingard has left parents, students, and faculty members deeply concerned. It has raised questions about the safety of students and emphasized the need for thorough background checks.
What support and resources are available for those affected?
The U.S. Attorney's Office Project Safe Childhood hotline at (617) 748-3274 provides access to victim witness advocates. Shrewsbury High School Principal Todd Bazydlo has also encouraged contacting his office at (508) 841-8800 for support and information.